Audio Alchemy wins Best under $20K at Axpona 2016 at True Audiophile |
Here's what Greg Weaver of The Absolute Sound had to say, "The ridiculously overachieving gear from the reborn Audio Alchemy stole the hearts of all who had the opportunity to listen. AA introduced the DMP-1 digital media player ($1795 with ROON option), streaming to its DDP-1 DAC/preamp ($1995) with the PS-5 power supply ($595), which fed a pair of DPA-1-Mono power amplifiers ($1995/ea.). This superb system drove an equally astonishing new speaker, the Endeavor Audio Engineering E-3Mk II ($8000/pr.). I dare you to find better performance in this price range! The DMP-1 is unique in my experience. By accessing its internal webpage—once it is connected to your network, much like a printer or router—you can directly create and run playlists. And once you’ve created a playlist, you can play from or skip through it using the DMP-1’s infrared remote."
Make the jump to their page.